Where kids sell original artwork

Kid Art Show is the leading online display and sales venue for young artists.

Artwork of the Day



By Kenz, age 8
$10.00 + Free shipping

Beautiful insects enjoying nature and pollen


How It Works


Parents sign up

A parent starts the process by registering and granting access to each child artist.


Kids post art

Kids add a photo of their art, choose whether to sell or display only, and customize the listing.


Artists earn money

Funds are securely transferred to a parent's bank account when artwork is purchased.


How is Kid Art Show different from other online platforms where art can be sold?

Unlike other platforms, Kid Art Show is designed specifically for young artists. This has two advantages: 1) the platform allows children and teenagers to independently sell their artwork in full compliance with regulations that safeguard the online privacy of minors, and 2) Kid Art Show aggregates buyers who specifically wish to purchase original works made by kids.

What does it cost to use Kid Art Show?

We charge a nominal fee to publish artwork listings. The fee allows us to cover the cost of maintaining the platform and providing customer service, and helps to prevent spam and maintain a dedicated community of sellers and artists.

We do not take any cut of artists' earnings from sales and tips.

How does the art sales process work from start to finish?

First, a parent or guardian signs up and grants access to the child artist. This allows the artist to log in to a separate sub-account, from where the artist can create listings including a photo and description of the work and desired price. The listing is then published in the Browse Art page, where buyers can purchase it using any major credit card.

Once a work of art is purchased, you have seven days to mail it to the buyer using USPS, UPS or any other carrier that provides a tracking number. When delivery is confirmed, we deposit the payment into a bank account provided by the parent.

What types of artwork are allowed on Kid Art Show?

Any type of original handmade (non digital) artwork that you can securely package and ship to a seller are allowed, including drawings and paintings, ceramics, etc.